Este plugin faz parte do pacote Oficial Nagios® Plugins, sua documentação pode ser consultada aqui.
Alguns indicadores que podem ser monitorados.
Options: -h, --help Print detailed help screen -V, --version Print version information --extra-opts=[section][@file] Read options from an ini file. See for usage and examples. -w warning threshold (currently 200.000ms,40%) -c critical threshold (currently 500.000ms,80%) -R RTA, round trip average, mode warning,critical, ex. 100ms,200ms unit in ms -P packet loss mode, ex. 40%,50% , unit in % -J jitter mode warning,critical, ex. 40.000ms,50.000ms , unit in ms -M MOS mode, between 0 and 4.4 warning,critical, ex. 3.5,3.0 -S score mode, max value 100 warning,critical, ex. 80,70 -O detect out of order ICMP packts -H specify a target -s specify a source IP address or device name -n number of packets to send (currently 5) -i max packet interval (currently 80.000ms) -I max target interval (currently 0.000ms) -m number of alive hosts required for success -l TTL on outgoing packets (currently 0) -t timeout value (seconds, currently 10) -b Number of icmp data bytes to send Packet size will be data bytes + icmp header (currently 68 + 8)
Exemplo de uso
Este plugin encontra-se no diretório /usr/local/opmon/libexec/, portanto você deverá acessá-lo antes de executar o comando.
[root@opmon]# ./check_icmp -H -n 10 -w 200.000ms,40% -c 500.000ms,80% OK - , rta 43.516ms, lost 0%|rta=43.515ms;200.000;500.000;0; rtmax=46.108ms;;;; rtmin=41.945ms;;;; pl=0%;40;80;0;100